300+ Space Trivia Quiz Questions with Answers

300+ Space Trivia Quiz Questions with Answers

Space is vast and filled with exciting mysteries and surprises. Till now, we just discover only 1% of our galaxy. There are numerous galaxies and stars that are yet to discover. Most of us like to watch stars at night but do not know more about this incredible Universe.

A space trivia quiz is the best way to learn about the Universe. You may be amazed to know there is no sound in the air. And the space smells like burnt metal, or the Sun looks like a giant white ball in space. Read on to see how much you know about the space.

  1. Which planet is also known as the "morning star" and the "evening star?


  1. Name the densest planet in our solar system with only one satellite?


  1. If you were standing on the Moon with the Sun shining upon you. What would be the color of the sky?


  1. In the word astrophysics, Astro means what?


  1. Name the first planet from the Sun in the solar system.


  1. How many stars are there in our solar system?


  1. Which planet is sometimes referred to as Earth's sister planet?


  1. What is another name for rocket science?


  1. Which things in our solar system have the ability to emit light?


  1. How often does a lunar eclipse occur?

At least twice a year.

  1. How many planets in our solar system are formed of gas?


  1. Name the nearest planet to the Sun.


  1. Saturn is famous for what?


  1. What is the name of Jupiter's Moon?


  1. Which term is used to describe luminosity?


  1. Why is Venue's surface not viewed in space if you see it from the next planet?

Venus's surface is covered with a thick layer of clouds.

  1. Name the group of scientists who study the skies.


  1. Which planet is also known as The Red Planet?


  1. Name the scientist who wrote Principia Mathematica.

Issac Newton.

  1. What color does Mars appear in the night sky?

Red color.

  1. In how many days does the Moon complete one orbit around the Earth?

28 days.

  1. Name the planet that used to be counted as a planet.


  1. Which layer of the atmosphere is the hottest one?


  1. Name the fifth planet from the Sun.


  1. Name the planet that orbits the Sun.


  1. Which planet was recognized as a dwarf planet in 2006?


  1. Name the highest mountain on Mars.


  1. Which popular theory tells us about the origins of the Universe?

Big Bang Theory.

  1. What gives the red color to Mars planet?

Iron oxide is present on its surface.

  1. Which element is not considered a source of energy for a star to emit light?


  1. Name the planet known for its big red spot.


  1. What is the term used for a rocket has to achieve to escape from the Earth's gravity?

Escape velocity.

  1. The rings of Saturn are formed of what elements?

Ice, dust, and rock.

  1. The Sun rises from which direction?


  1. Which planet has the largest ring system?


  1. Name the first human who walks on the Moon.

Neil Armstrong.

  1. After excluding pluto, how many planets currently exist in our solar system?


  1. Name the brightest galaxies in the sky.

Orion Nebula.

  1. Name the third planet from the Sun.


  1. The word Orion comes from what?

A hunter in Greek myth.

  1. What is the maximum temperature of Venus' surface in Fahrenheit degrees?


  1. Mercury was named after which Roman god?

The god of travel.

  1. What do you think you find on the largest planet Jupiter?

The great red spot.

  1. Name the second largest planet in our solar system.


  1. What is the name of our solar system?

Milky way galaxy.

  1. What is the distance between Earth and Venus?

157.85 million miles.

  1. How does Earth far from Mars?

188.48 million miles.

  1. What is the exact size of the Sun?

1.989×10^30 kg.

  1. What is a black hole?

It is a space in the galaxy where gravity pulls is so strong even light can not pass through it.

  1. In actuality, Moon is what?

It is an object that orbits the planet, not a star.

  1. What is the meaning of a dwarf planet?

A celestial body looks like a small planet but lacks the specific criteria to be classed as a regular planet.

  1. Milky Way galaxy is comprised of how many stars?

100 thousand million.

  1. What is the speed of light?

186000 miles per second.

  1. Name the biggest star of our galaxy.

UY Scuti.

  1. How many total galaxies are there?

200 billion to two trillion galaxies.

  1. How many planets are there in the Milky Way galaxy?

100 billion planets.

  1. Why did NASA spend millions of dollars on a pen that can write in space?

Space has zero gravity; where, regular pens cannot write.

  1. How many stars are there in the Andromeda Galaxy?

One trillion stars.

  1. What is an emission nebula?

They are clouds of ionized gas that emit their own light at optical wavelength.

  1. How many comets are approximately present in our galaxy?

One trillion comets.

  1. Name the world's largest telescope and where it is present?

Gran Telescopio Canarias set in La Palma, Canary Islands.

  1. What is the size of Earth in miles?

24,901 miles.

  1. What is the meaning of antimatter?

Molecules formed by atoms consisting of positrons, antiprotons, and antineutrons.

  1. What is the distance between Venus and Mercury in miles?

31.1 million miles.

  1. How much time Earth takes to complete one orbit?

365 days.

  1. How many moons are there in the Milky Way Galaxy?

53 confirmed moons.

  1. Name the farthest planet from the Sun.


  1. How much percentage mass are planets made in our solar system?

0.135% of the total mass of the solar system.

  1. The next sight of Halley's Comet will be when?

In 2061, it will return on its regular 76-year journey around the Sun.

  1. Which planet has the most Moons in the solar system?


  1. The Sun is made from which two elements?

Hydrogen and helium.

  1. What is the Large Magellanic Cloud?

It's a satellite.

  1. The largest Moon of Jupiter is called what?


  1. What is the best-estimated age of the Earth?

4.54 billion years old.

  1. Name the tiniest planet in our solar system.


  1. What kind of star "Betelgeuse" is?


  1. The surface of the Moon is like what?

Dead volcanoes, lava flows, and impact craters.

  1. Who discover "Pandora Charon Nereid Phobos"?

Triton, Proteus, and Nereid.

  1. Name the most recent Apollo mission.


  1. Buzz Aldrin was a part of which mission?

Apollo 11

  1. On which date did the first US set foot on the Moon?

July 20, 1969.

  1. Who is the first astronaut?

Yuri Gagarin.

  1. When did NASA get its start?

July 29, 1958.

  1. What was the name of the first NASA mission?

Apollo 1.

  1. What is the total number of big planets in our solar system?


  1. What do you study in astronomy?

It is the study of objects and phenomena beyond Earth.

  1. What planet is Uranus?

The 7th planet from the Sun.

  1. What is the name of Earth's Moon?


  1. Who discover the rules of planetary motion?

Johannes Kepler.

  1. Name the greatest volcano in the solar system.

Olympus Mons.

  1. What kind of star can form in a supernova?

A neutron star.

  1. What type of distance is measured in light-years?


  1. How many "terrestrial planets" are in the solar system?

Two, Mercury and Mars.

  1. Name the second space mission of Neil Armstrong.

Gemini 8.

  1. Mercury and Venus be closest at dusk on which two days in 2021?

May 28/29.

  1. The asteroid belt is present between Jupiter and Saturn: True or false?


  1. What does space actually smell like?

sweet-smelling welding fumes, burning metal, gunpowder, and burnt almond cookie.

  1. What is the actual age of the Universe?

13.7 billion years old.

  1. What is the total number of constellations?


  1. On which planet a hexagonal-shaped storm can be found?


  1. Why can you not walk on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune's surface?

They are made of gases and do not have solid surfaces.

  1. Which planet has the largest ocean in the solar system?


  1. What are the stars in Ursa Minor called?


  1. How long does each season last on Neptune?

More than 40 years.

  1. What's the ring around a black hole called?

Answer: photon ring.]

  1. What are the sun-created storms called?

Solar storms.

  1. Which constellation resembles a hunter and weapons?


  1. Which is the hottest planet in our solar system?

Venus, with 460° C surface temperature.

  1. How long was the shortest space flight?

15 minutes.

  1. Name the only planet that is not named after a God.


  1. What astronaut wrote his daughter's initials on the Moon?

Gene Cernan.

  1. A large cluster of gas, dust, and stars is called what?

A Galaxy.

  1. How many stars made The Big Dipper?

7 stars.

  1. What is the coldest place in our galaxy?

The Boomerang Nebula.

  1. Name the most prevalent types of galaxies in the Universe.

Elliptical galaxies.

  1. Which is the nearest star to the Earth other than the Sun?

About 4.22 light-years from Earth.

  1. what is the minimum speed of a meteoroid when it enters Earth's atmosphere?

25 miles per hour.

  1. Name the largest star in the Universe.

Red supergiant stars.

  1. Do all planets have natural satellites?

Yes, except for Mercury and Venus.

  1. Question: What is the most common type of star in the Milky Way?

Red Dwarf stars.

  1. What is the location of the Milky Way nucleus?

A black hole.

  1. Who was the first female commander at International Space Station (ISS)?

Peggy Whitson.

  1. How is the expansion of the Universe measured?

The Hubble Constant.

  1. Which constellation is the hottest place in the Universe?


  1. Name the third astronaut who landed on the Moon.

Pete Conrad.

  1. How many Earths can fit within the Sun?

About a million.

  1. Who described the rings of Saturn as the ears of a teacup?


  1. Which method is used to find the distance between Earth and Sun?

In Astronomical Units (AU).

  1. When a meteor turns into a meteorite, what happens?

It hits the Earth's surface.

  1. What is the nearest star to Earth?

Alpha Centauri.

  1. Which astrological sign will be visible from January 21?


  1. What do you name a journey of a heavenly body through space?

An orbit.

  1. The outermost atmosphere of the Sun is called what?


  1. What is the primary source of the Moon's light?

Reflected sunlight.

  1. Which constellation has a winged horse shape?


  1. Name the third brightest celestial object in our sky?


  1. In which constellation can Castor and Pollux be found?


  1. What does studying stars, planets, and galaxies mean?


  1. Which spacecraft took the first astronauts to the Moon?

Apollo 11.

  1. Who is the founder of astronomy?

The ancient Greeks.

  1. Where is the best place to observe the night sky?

A planetarium.

  1. What color is the sunset on Mars?


  1. How many planets have rings?

Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus,

  1. What is the junk in space?

Any piece of machinery or debris left by humans in space.

  1. What is the approximate temperature of the Sun's core?

More than 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.

  1. How long is a day on Jupiter?

9 hours and 55 minutes.

  1. Name the smallest planet in our solar system.


  1. Name the oldest planet in our solar system.


  1. How many planets can be seen without a telescope?

Five: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

  1. Which planet is larger, Neptune or Saturn?


  1. How long is a year on Jupiter?

12 years.

  1. Which planet has the highest density in our solar system?


  1. How many volcanoes are present on Venus's surface?

More than 1600 volcanoes.

  1. What is the color of Saturn?

Pale yellow.

  1. Name the four largest Moons of Jupiter.

Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.

  1. What does Uranus smell like?

Rotten eggs.

  1. Name the four terrestrial planets.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

  1. Which is the only planet that rotates on its side?


  1. In what year was Pluto classed as a dwarf planet?


  1. Name the most well-known five dwarf planets.

Pluto, Ceres, Makemake, Haumea, and Eris.

  1. How did Galileo miss the discovery of Neptune?

Galileo mistook it for a star.

  1. What disqualifies Pluto as a planet?

It is not big enough to exert its orbital dominance and clear the neighborhood surrounding its orbit.

  1. What is the appearance of a comet called?

An apparition.

  1. Which four planets are known as "gas giants"?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

  1. Question: Which is the second tiniest planet in our solar system?


  1. Which planets rotate backward compared to the others?


  1. What protects the Earth from solar radiation and meteoroids?

It's the atmosphere.

  1. Name the brightest planet in the night sky.


  1. What is the composition of a comet?

A mixture of dust, rocks, and ice.

  1. How long a solar eclipse can last?

Few seconds to seven and a half minutes.

  1. Name the first woman who reaches the edge of space.

Valentina Tereshkova.

  1. Where does the Oort Cloud present?

Just beyond Pluto.

  1. Which force keep the planets stay in orbit around the Sun?


  1. If you weighed 200 pounds on Earth, how much you weigh on Mars?

76 pounds.

  1. How long is 1 light-year in Earth years?

5.88 trillion miles (9.46 trillion kilometers) per year.

  1. Space Age did start in what year?

On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union opened the Space Age with the launch of Sputnik, the world's first artificial satellite.

  1. What does Titan orbit around?


  1. What is a dark energy explosion called on the Sun?

Solar flares.

  1. What is the actual color of the Sun?


  1. Asteroids are also called what?

Minor planets or planetoids.

  1. The massive release of plasma from the Sun is called what?

A Coronal Mass Ejection.

  1. A neutron star revolving with a high magnetic field is called what?

A pulsar.

  1. What do you call when many meteors appear from the same point?

A meteor shower.

  1. What type of celestial body is called Vesta?

An asteroid.

  1. What causes high and low tides?


  1. What does the Sun's polarity reversal mean?

The Sun reverses polarity every 11 years around the maximum phase of each solar cycle.

  1. Name the three famous asteroids.

Ceres, Pallas, Vesta.

  1. Why causes craters form on Mercury?

Its atmosphere is too thin, and craters result from collisions with meteoroids and comets.

  1. Name the largest Moon of Pluto?


  1. What causes a solar eclipse?

When the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, casting the Moon's shadow on Earth.

  1. The nucleus, coma, and tail are the three main parts of what?

The comet.

  1. Which heavenly body in the solar system has the most mass?

The Sun.

  1. The first woman enter space in which year?


  1. What term is used when three celestial bodies are linked in a straight line?


  1. What manned US space mission eventually put 12 men on the Moon?


  1. Which planet was the furthest from the Sun between 1978 and 1999?


  1. What percentage of the Milky Way can you see?

You can only see 0.000003% of it.

  1. What term do astronomers use to describe the same lengths of day and night happens twice a year?


  1. Name the interstellar gas and dust clouds that emit light in various colors.

A nebula.

  1. Mars has had more missions compared to other planets: True or False?


  1. Name the spacecraft which is the only one to visit Uranus.

The Voyager 2.

  1. What color stars are in the sky?

Blue, white, yellow, orange, and red.

  1. Name the two colors of stars that are not present in the sky.

Green and purple.

  1. The 85 percent of the total mass of the Universe is made up of what?

Dark matter

  1. Question: Which planet has a two-toned moon?


  1. Martian day is called what?


  1. The Sun is a what kind of star?

A typical yellow dwarf.

  1. Which of Jupiter's moons has around 400 active volcanoes?


  1. Mercury has what unique feature?

A tail.

  1. Phobos and Deimos are the moons of which planet?


  1. Which planet is the smallest compared to Earth?


  1. Mercury is known for what?

Mercury is the fastest planet.

  1. Which planets do not have moons?

Mercury and Venus.

  1. Which planet has supersonic winds?


  1. Which theory explains the formation of the solar system?

The tidal theory


  1. What is the theory that explains the solar system developed from a cloud of dust and gas?

The Nebular Theory.

  1. What is the most beautiful star?

Sirius, also known as the Dog Star or Sirius A.

  1. What is the rarest color of a star?

Star sapphires and star rubies.

  1. How long is Mercury's tail?

24 million km long.

  1. The biosphere is composed of what?

The lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

  1. Can humans breathe normally in space as they do on Earth?


  1. What is Sun, a planet, or a star?

A star.

  1. Has anyone ever set foot on Mars?


  1. What is the name of the place that uses telescopes and other scientific equipment for the research base in astronomy?

An observatory.

  1. Name the most famous space telescope of NASA.

Hubble space telescope.

  1. The Earth belongs to which galaxy?

The milky way galaxy.

  1. Name the first satellite sent into space.


  1. Who said first Earth revolves around Sun?

Nicolaus Copernicus.

  1. Neptune is a larger planet than Earth: True or False?


  1. How many linear dimensions are conceived in Physical space?

Three linear dimensions.

  1. When was non-Euclidean geometry discovered?

In 1832, by János.

  1. According to which theory space near gravitational fields deviates from Euclidean space?

Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity.

  1. Apart from Earth which planet in the solar system can support life?


  1. Which stars have a rotational speed of 600 times per second?

Neutron stars.

  1. The Sun makes how much mass of the solar system?

About 99.86%.

  1. What celestial object was once part of the Earth?

The Moon.

  1. How long is a day in space?

It's 90 minutes.

  1. Where is the highest peak in space?

On an asteroid called Vesta.

  1. What color is the sunset on Mars?


  1. What is 12 times more on Earth than stars in the Milky Way?


  1. Which planet has a longer day than a year?


  1. What is the distance between the Milky Way galaxy and the nearest galaxies?

It's 2.5 million light-years away.

  1. Why do stars twinkle?

Due to the effects of the Earth's atmosphere.

  1. Which planet is called the Jewel of the sky?


  1. Which planet is known for diamonds?

Uranus and Neptune.

  1. Which hole was first discovered in the 1960s and has 10 times the mass of the Sun?


  1. A larger black hole is present in our Milky Way. True or False?


  1. How big is the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way?

The weight of 4 million suns.

  1. When was the first black hole picture taken?

In 2019, by Event Horizon Telescope (EHT).

  1. What is the name of the black hole NASA took a picture of by EHT?


  1. Why are supermassive black holes necessary?

It can give birth to stars.

  1. How many stars exist in our galaxy?

1 billion.

  1. What is the mass of the Milky Way in kilograms?

6 x 10^42 kilograms.

  1. Is our Milky Way Galaxy connected to other galaxies?


  1. Which tests have proven that non-Euclidean geometries better represent space's shape?

Experimental tests of general relativity.

  1. How tall is the mountain on Vesta?

25 km.

  1. What are the types of space tourism?

orbital, suborbital, and lunar space tourism.

  1. Which type of space tourism is offered by the Russian Space Agency?

Orbital space tourism.

  1. How many years does Sun take to revolve around the Milky Way?

230 million Earth years.

  1. In which direction does the Earth orbit the Sun?


  1. What causes the seasons on Earth?

Earth's tilted axis causes the seasons.

  1. How is artificial gravity created in spaceships?

Artificial gravity is achieved by rotating about its axis.

  1. What type of galaxy is the Andromeda Galaxy?


  1. What are the 4 types of galaxies?

Spiral, elliptical, peculiar, and irregular.

  1. What Apollo lunar landing was canceled after a tank explosion?

Apollo 13.

  1. How old is the solar system?

It's 4.571 billion years.

  1. Do instruments sound different in space?

No, there isn't sound in space.

  1. What device first proved that Earth rotates on its axis?

Foucault pendulum.

  1. Name the first black astronaut in space in the United States.


  1. Name the first person who classifies stars based on their brightness.


  1. Name the planet which is covered with sulphuric acid clouds?


  1. Which planet is named after the Roman god of war?


  1. Which two planets travel around the Sun in less time than Earth?

Mercury and Venus.

  1. What planet has an 8-month day?

Answer: Venus.]

  1. What do we call natural satellites?


  1. How many Space Shuttles were commissioned by NASA?

6 Space Shuttles were built (although only 5 were spaceworthy): Challenger, Enterprise, Columbia, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour.

  1. What is the average temperature of the Sun's surface?

5800 K.

  1. What force bends the light rays Travelling through the Universe?


  1. Which planet orbits the Sun four times when the Earth completes its one orbit?


  1. What is invisible matter called?

Dark matter.

  1. Crushed items to an infinite density may be found theoretically where?


  1. Name the first radio astronomy professor at Cambridge.

Martin Rule.

  1. Who was the first to find Uranus?

William Herschel.

  1. What is the solar system's brightest comet?

Halley's comet.

  1. What would you find at the Centre of the solar system?

The Sun.

  1. Name the space shuttle shot down in the semi on January 28, 1986?


  1. Where is the chromosphere located?

The Sun.

  1. What will the Sun become when it dies?

A white dwarf.

  1. What planet orbits the Sun in 30 years?


  1. What theory suggest that the Universe will stay the same throughout time?

Steady-state theory.

  1. What is the farthest object ever seen in the Universe?

The galaxy candidate HD1.

  1. Name the first creature that reaches the farthest in the Universe?

Laika, a dog on board the Sputnik 2.

  1. The sunspots cycle is visible in how many years?


  1. How many moons are there in the solar system?

181 moons.

  1. Name the outermost atmosphere of the Sun.


  1. Space is filled with what?

Gas, dust, a wind of charged particles and light from stars, cosmic rays, the radiation left over from the Big Bang, electric and magnetic fields, and neutrinos from nuclear reactions.

  1. What fills the void of space?

Dark energy.

  1. How many stars can make the Big Dipper?

7 stars.

  1. When was the last solar storm?

July 2012.

  1. How long does Neptune take to orbit the Sun?

165 years

  1. Which planet will have the most moons in 2022?

Saturn has 82 moons.

  1. What planet has 200 moons?'


  1. What was the first living thing in space?

Fruit flies.