180+ Star Wars Trivia Quiz Questions with Answers
Movie Trivia

180+ Star Wars Trivia Quiz Questions with Answers

The Star Wars trivia quiz is a perfect way to test your knowledge about Star Wars characters and events. You love this series, but you may not know every detail. So grab your snack and hop on the ride of this thrilling adventure.


  1. What is the real name of Baby Yoda?


  1. Where did Obi-Wan take Luke after his birth?


  1. Who is the granddaughter of Palpatine?


  1. Who was Anakin Skywalker's Padawan?

Ahsoka Tano.

  1. What is Mando's real name from The Mandalorian?

Din Djarin.

  1. Who had the highest midi-chlorian count in Star Wars?

Anakin Skywalker.

  1. What year did the first Star Wars movie come out?


  1. Where is Jabba the Hutt's Palace located?


  1. Name the ship of Boba Fett?

Slave I.

  1. Who are the parents of Kylo Ren?

Han Solo and Princess Leia.

  1. Who killed Qui-Gon Jinn?

Darth Maul.

  1. What is the episode number of the very first Star Wars film?


  1. Who built C-3PO?

Anakin Skywalker.

  1. Name the ship of Han Solo?

The Millennium Falcon.

  1. Who acted as the decoy of Queen Amidala?

Handmaiden Sabé.

  1. What is the number of Finn stormtroopers?


  1. Where was Yoda's home in his final years?


  1. Chancellor Palpatine was which Sith Lord?

Darth Sidious.

  1. Has Han Solo frozen in what?


  1. Who has taken and killed the parents of Rey?


  1. Finish this quote from The Mandalorian: This is the ___


  1. Who killed Jabba?

Princess Leia.

  1. Who adopted the daughter of Anakin and Padme?

Bail Organa.

  1. What name did Obi-Wan go by on Tatooine?


  1. Anakin Skywalker grew up to be who?

Darth Vader.

  1. Per Yoda, what is the path to the dark side?


  1. What species is Chewbacca?


  1. Padmé was Queen of what?


  1. What is the birth name of Kylo Ren?

Ben Solo.

  1. Who created Star Wars?

George Lucas.

  1. Who is the father of Luke and Leia?

Darth Vader.

  1. Who told Anakin there is another Skywalker?


  1. Leia made who acting general?

Poe Dameron.

  1. What color was their lightsaber of Mace Windu?


  1. What color was their lightsaber of Yoda?


  1. What species is Jar Jar Binks?


  1. Name the stepbrother of Anakin?

Owen Lars.

  1. Who was the father of Boba Fett?

Jango Fett.

  1. Who composed the soundtrack album to the 1977 film Star Wars?

John Williams.

  1. Who killed Mace Windu?

Darth Sidious.

  1. What was the nickname of the daughter of Galen Erso?


  1. True or False: Boba Fett survived the Sarlacc pit


  1. How many episodes are in the Skywalker Saga?


  1. Who played Princess Leia?

Carrie Fisher.

  1. Where does Rey find Luke Skywalker?


  1. Which actor played Luke Skywalker?

Mark Hamill.

  1. Who does Obi-Wan say was the Chosen One?


  1. Who directed Star Wars: The Force Awakens?

J.J. Abrams.

  1. Who directed Star Wars: The Last Jedi?

Rian Johnson.

  1. Who does belong to BB-8?

Poe Dameron.

  1. How many children does Darth Vader have?


  1. Lightsabers are powered by what type of crystal?

Kyber crystal.

  1. Which actor played Lando Calrissian?

Billy Dee Williams.

  1. Where do Rey and BB-8 first meet?


  1. Who directed Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker?

J.J. Abrams.

  1. The Mandalorian was created by who?

Jon Favreau.

  1. Who does Finn kiss in The Last Jedi?


  1. Name the Star Wars character of Lupita Nyongo?

Maz Kanata.

  1. What episode is Attack of the Clones?


  1. Who is the grandson of Darth Vader?

Kylo Ren.

  1. What episode is Return of the Jedi?


  1. Leia said never underestimate a what?


  1. In which movie do Rey and Kylo kiss?

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

  1. What episode is A New Hope?


  1. Jyn Erso said rebellions built on what?


  1. Legend describes what as the hidden world of the Sith?


  1. What episode is The Phantom Menace?


  1. Who killed Snoke?

Kylo Ren.

  1. What episode is The Last Jedi?


  1. Name the weapon of Mando against the dark saber of Moff Gideon?

A beskar spear.

  1. What episode is Revenge of the Sith?


  1. Who is the black market droidsmith Poe knows on Kijimi?

Babu Frik.

  1. What episode is The Empire Strikes Back?


  1. Who was the spy within the First Order in The Rise of Skywalker?

General Armitage Hux.

  1. What compasses lead the way to Exegol?

A Sithway finder.

  1. What is the old job of Poe Dameron before becoming a pilot?

A spice runner.

  1. Cobb Vanth had whose armor in The Mandalorian?

Boba Fett.

  1. Luke said, Confronting ___ is the destiny of a Jedi?


  1. Who killed Han Solo?

Kylo Ren.

  1. Rey and Kylo are in the what force?

A dyad.

  1. What episode is The Force Awakens?


  1. Who played Han Solo in 2018 Solo: A Star Wars Story?

Alden Ehrenreich.

  1. Who wins by making people think they are alone?

The First Order.

  1. In which Sith Lord's brain did the Empire start?


  1. Who was the person responsible for training Obi-Wan Kenobi?

Qui-Gon Jinn.

  1. Who is called the Chosen One during the prequel trilogy?

Anakin Skywalker.

  1. Who is the twin brother of Princess Leia?

Luke Skywalker.

  1. Who is the adopted father of Princess Leia?

Bail Organa.

  1. Who brought Anakin to the Jedi Council in Episode I?

Qui-Gon Jinn.

  1. Who is the killer near the end of The Phantom Menace?

Qui-Gon Jinn.

  1. Which of the main characters originates from the planet Corellia?

Han Solo.

  1. Who was the first to call Anakin Skywalker the Chosen One?

Qui-Gon Jinn.

  1. How many characters feature in all the six movies?


  1. Who is the oldest living Jedi on the Council?


  1. Who had a tauntaun with a broken left arm?

Luke Skywalker.

  1. What is the name of the R2 that flies with Luke Skywalker?


  1. Who says the following lines, Into the garbage chute, flyboy?

Princess Leia.

  1. Name the clone who ordered shooting Obi-Wan Kenobi?

Commander Cody.

  1. Who is the Viceroy of the Trade Federation?

Nute Gunray.

  1. Who is the only Jedi Knight in the Council in Episode I?

Ki-Adi Mundi.

  1. Luke Jedi fooled who by mind trick?

Bib Fortuna.

  1. Who answers the telecommunicator when Luke is stuck in a trash pit?


  1. How did Luke cut the ropes in Return Of The Jedi?

Distract blaster shot.

  1. Ishi Tib has what shape head?


  1. What does Leia call Han Solo?

Scruffy-looking nerfs herder.

  1. Who says the line, Look at the size of that thing?


  1. Which trader did Anakin help while on Tatooine?


  1. Who is the speaker of the lines, Do, or do not. There is no try?


  1. What is the call sign of the clone commander pilot hailed by Obi-Wan?


  1. In which battle was Executor involved?

Battle of Endor.

  1. Which two characters are featured in five of the six movies?

Yoda and Palpatine.

  1. Who said the lines, Asteroids do not concern me, Admiral?

Darth Vader.

  1. Who was the owner of the Millenium Falcon after Lando Calrissian?

Han Solo.

  1. Who is Wedge in the first trilogy?

A fighter pilot.

  1. From which planet did the clones of the Empire army come?


  1. What, according to Yoda, are the two signs of the Dark Side?

Anger and hate.

  1. The Battle of Hoth took place in which movie?

Episode V. The Empire Strikes Back.

  1. In which battle did we see Darth Vader fly?

Battle of Yavin.

  1. What is the capital of the Republic?


  1. In which movie are the bounty hunters employed by the Empire?

The Empire Strikes Back.

  1. Which life forms can embody the force?


  1. R2D2 is a droid. Can you recall what type of droid it is?


  1. What do aunt and uncle of Luke do?

Moisture farming.

  1. Princess Leia originally from which planet?


  1. How did Kamino use Jango Fett in the movie Episode II?

To build the clone army for the Empire.

  1. What is the name of the Geonosian leader in the arena?

Poggle (the Lesser).

  1. In which movie did Jabba the Hutt die?

Episode VI.

  1. Where can you find the hidden rebel base?

Yavin IV.

  1. C-3P0 is fluent in how many languages?

Over 60 million languages.

  1. Han Solo is from which planet?


  1. Who built C-3P0?

Anakin Skywalker.

  1. Which house did belong to their adoptive father of Leia?

Royal House of Alderaan.

  1. What species stole the plans for the Death Star?


  1. In which battle did Obi-Wan Kenobi kill General Grievous?

Battle of Utapau.

  1. In which movie does Luke go to Dagobah to receive Jedi training?

The Empire Strikes Back.

  1. Who plays the role of C-3PO?

Anthony Daniels.

  1. Who played the role of Lando Calrissian in Episode V and Episode VI?

Billy Dee Williams.

  1. Which actor plays the role of Shmi Skywalker, mother of Anakin?

Pernilla August.

  1. Who plays the role of Darth Vader in A New Hope?

David Prowse.

  1. Where is the Council Chambers located?

Jedi Temple, Coruscant.

  1. Who is the voice of Darth Vader?

James Earl Jones.

  1. Who was the main stunt coordinator in The Phantom Menace?

Nick Gillard.

  1. Who plays the role of Palpatine in Episode II?

Ian McDiarmid.

  1. Who was the Qui-Gon Jinn stunt double in The Phantom Menace?

Rob Inch.

  1. Who is the first character to speak in Episode IV: A New Hope?


  1. Which creatures carry the Gungan shield generators into the battle?


  1. When did The Empire Strikes Back released in theatres?


  1. How many lights will you find on the wingtips of an X-Wing fighter?


  1. When Qui-Gon first met Anakin Skywalker, how old was he?


  1. In which movie did we first meet Jango Fett?

Attack Of The Clones.

  1. Which arm did Count Dooku cut off of Anakin?

Right Arm.

  1. What did Luke cut off the Wampa using his lightsaber?


  1. Who is the music composer for all the Star Wars movies?

John Williams.

  1. Name the battle armor worn by Boba Fett?


  1. At what age did Padmé Amidala become a queen?

14 years old.

  1. What is the location of the Council Chambers?

Jedi Temple, Coruscant.

  1. How long was Executor, the ship?

19,000 meters.

  1. The droid leader wants to address what?

General Grievous.

  1. What was the Rebel Base on Hoth called?

Echo Base.

  1. Obi-Wan and Yoda give Leia to who?

Bail Organa.

  1. What is the species of Yarael Poof?


  1. What was Ewok village supposed to be?

A village of Wookies.

  1. Why did Han return to help Luke?

He wanted a share of some of the rewards.

  1. What did Luke call the Millenium Falcon?

A piece of junk.

  1. From which planet was Chewbacca?


  1. What is the name of the female Yoda on the Council?


  1. In which ship was Lieutenant Hija a gunnery officer?


  1. Who is the captain of Tantive IV?

Captain Antilles.

  1. Name the ship of Han Solo?

Millennium Falcon.

  1. Jedi Council consists of how many members?


  1. How does Darth Vader plan to capture Luke?

Freeze him.

  1. What bounty hunter captures Han Solo?

Boba Fett.

  1. Darth Tyranus is also known as who?

Count Dooku.

  1. The clones made from whose DNA?

Jango Fett.

  1. What is the General Grievous? Flagship?s name?

The Invisible Hand.

  1. Who is Chancellor of Palpatine Sith's alter-ego?

Darth Sidious.

  1. Who kissed Princess Leia first?


  1. Who is the First Order's supreme leader?


  1. What species is Jabba?


  1. Admiral Ackbar belongs to what alien race?

Mon Calamari.

  1. Princess Leia from which planet?
