150+ Video Game Trivia Questions with Answers

150+ Video Game Trivia Questions with Answers

Today modern gamers tend to be fully immersed in the world of video gaming. These have a strong influence on our lives and play a part as social networks for out-of-game entertainment. Video game trivia quiz provides entertainment and fun while learning about video games and their history.

  1. What is the name of the final course of all Mario Kart video games?

Rainbow Road

  1. Mario originated as a character in which video game?

Donkey Kong

  1. Solid Snake is the hero of the famous video game franchise?

The Metal Gear

  1. Game V-Bucks from which famous video game franchise?


  1. Nintendo began as a company that sold which products?

Playing cards

  1. What is the signature color of Pearl in Splatoon 2?


  1. Astro Boy is which type of video game?


  1. Which was the first Nintendo console for optical discs?

The GameCube

  1. How many overworlds are in Cuphead?


  1. In Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, name the best friend of Jack Mitchell?

Will Irons

  1. Who is the first character you play in Injustice 2?


  1. What was the best-selling video game in December 2017?

Call of Duty: WWII

  1. Who is on the cover of the video game Madden NFL 18?

Tom Brady

  1. Fight Night 2004 is a game about what kind of sport?


  1. What was the first video game in the world called?


  1. What is the highest-grossing game of all time?


  1. Who is the most famous video game character of all time?


  1. What is the best-selling video game console of all time?

PlayStation 2

  1. Name the first job of Mario.


  1. Which game was published by GT Interactive in 1996?


  1. In Pac-Man, What is the name of the orange ghost?


  1. What 2014 game gives you the name, Douchebag?

South Park: The Stick Of Truth

  1. When was the first Call Of Duty video game released?


  1. What is the original first-person video shooter game?

Wolfenstein 3D

  1. When was Super Smash Bros released?

13 September 2014

  1. What is the canonical name of the protagonist in the Persona-4 game?

Yu Narukami

  1. What is the name of the circular object used to collect Pokémon?

Poke ball

  1. Where is the best place to meet wild Pokémon?

In tall grass

  1. What type of Pokémon is the Sand Shrew?


  1. What is a Charged Creeper?

A creeper struck by lightning

  1. How do you make obsidian?

Mix water and lava

  1. When was Minecraft first released

7 October 2011

  1. When was Pong released?

29 November 1972

  1. What is the best-selling video game of all time?


  1. What was the best-selling gaming console in 2020 alone?

Nintendo Switch

  1. What year was Nintendo founded?


  1. What does the name Nintendo mean?

Leave luck to heaven

  1. What is the most expensive video game ever made?

Grand Auto V Theft

  1. Blizzard Entertainment is best known for which video game franchise?

World Of Warcraft

  1. Pac-Man modeled on what kind of food?


  1. What is the best-selling handheld gaming system to date?

Nintendo DS

  1. In what year was the first virtual reality headset created?


  1. How much did a virtual reality device cost in the 80s?


  1. Which company released the first simulator flight game?


  1. Atari founder is responsible for which popular dining franchise?

Chuck E Cheese

  1. What role did the creator of the Game Boy hold at Nintendo?


  1. Name the planet that hosts the Gears Of War game.


  1. What was the original name of the gene bank in the game Bioshock?

Plasmi-Quick Response

  1. Which year's top 10 grossing video games are available on PS4?


  1. Which year the Fallout 3 was released?


  1. What does Atari mean?


  1. What does Mario jump on after completing a level?

Flag Pole

  1. Which year was Minecraft released?


  1. Homefront was a war game against which country?

North Korea

  1. What is another name for Counter-Strike?


  1. How many maximum controllers are supported by the PS3 system?


  1. The Character Master Hands is in which game?

Smash brothers

  1. Which year the Bishockinfinite was released?


  1. What does NES stand for?

Nintendo Entertainment System

  1. Who is the brother of Liquid Snake?

Solid Snake

  1. Which year the PS4 was released?


  1. Name the USB webcam that works with the PS3 system.


  1. Which planet size is approximate to the same Minecraft?


  1. How many games are released on the Bluray disc of PS3?


  1. Where was the first PS3 released?


  1. Which year the Grand Theft Auto V was released?


  1. Name the all-time highest-grossing game.

World of Warcraft

  1. What is the name of MegaMan in Japan?


  1. Your phone is a controller in which PS4 game?

Hidden Agenda

  1. Which virus decoded after playing Foldit?

AIDS Virus

  1. Name the character abused by Mario.

Donkey Kong

  1. What is the color of the wings of the Dragon in Sypro?


  1. What is the playing mode of World of Warcraft?


  1. Who developed Destiny 2?


  1. In which year were Angry Birds Star Wars II released?


  1. Black Ops is a subtitle of which PS4 game?

Call of Duty

  1. What is the color of Pacman in Pacman256?


  1. How many characters are there in the great theft?


  1. In which year was FIFA 2 released?


  1. The SimCity2000 was designed for what purpose?

As a PC game

  1. In which year was Castlevania released?


  1. Aquaman is a character of which PS4 game?


  1. Name the creator of PS4?

Mark Cerny

  1. Saints row is an Xbox game or a Play Station?


  1. Which game has no sequels in North America?

Elite Beat Agents

  1. Resident Evil 7 is released in which year?


  1. In the game Overcooked, which kingdom is in danger?

Onion Kingdom

  1. Which PS4 game was released on 26 January 2018?

Dragon Ball Fighters

  1. Who is the main character of Grand Theft Auto 4?

Niko Bellic

  1. What was the first commercial home video game console?

Magnavox Odyssey

  1. In what year was Atari Inc. founded?


  1. What was Atari's first arcade game that they launched?


  1. What was Sega's first coin-operated game called?


  1. What was the first mobile phone game?


  1. In what year did Apple launch the App Store?


  1. What was the Nintendo Entertainment System known as in Japan?

The Famicom

  1. What was the first online video game connected to ARPANET?

MUD or Multiuser Dungeon

  1. What game was the early computer Nimrod custom-built to play?


  1. What game did Magnavox sue Atari for stealing?


  1. What was the first video game console to use ROM cartridges?

The Fairchild Channel F

  1. Who did Warner Communications sell Atari to in 1984?

Jack Tramiel

  1. In what year was the first SimCity game by Maxis released?


  1. In what land does The Legend of Zelda take place?


  1. In the first Metroid, on what planet does Samus fight alien monsters?


  1. Castlevania takes place in whose castle?

Count Dracula

  1. What is the TurboGrafx-16 known as outside of North America?

The PC Engine

  1. What is the Sega Genesis known as outside of North America?

The Mega Drive

  1. What does MMO stand for?

Massively Multiplayer Online

  1. What was the first 3D game ever?


  1. What was the predecessor game to NBA Jam?

Arch Rivals

  1. Tetris created for what console?

The Electronika 60

  1. What was the first handheld electronic game with a color LCD?

The Atari Lynx

  1. What video game development company created Doom?

id Software

  1. What was the first rhythm video game created?

PaRappa the Rapper

  1. What was the first home console with a built-in internet connection?

The Apple Pippin

  1. What was the first video game console to use the DVD format?

Sony PlayStation 2

  1. In what year did Microsoft launch Xbox Live?


  1. What video game streaming service did Sony buy in 2012?


  1. What does the "DS" in Nintendo DS mean?

Dual Screen or Developers' System

  1. What is the most popular MMORPG of all time?

World of Warcraft

  1. What does "Tamagotchi" mean in Japanese?

Egg Watch

  1. What was the name of the first App Store?

The Electronic AppWrapper

  1. When was Apple IOS introduced for public use?


  1. What is the most widely installed mobile operating system?


  1. What is the most downloaded freemium game series of all time?

Angry Birds

  1. What was the first Xbox game console released in China?

Xbox One

  1. What is the second best-selling video game console of all time?

The PS4 or the PlayStation 4

  1. What was the first Nintendo console to support HD graphics?

The Wii U

  1. Which Nintendo console is essentially a tablet?

The Nintendo Switch

  1. What was the first game to allow cross-platform gaming?

Final Fantasy XI

  1. What was the first mega cloud gaming service?


  1. What is the name of the currency used in Second Life?

The Linden Dollar

  1. What inspired game maker Satoshi Tajiri to create the character Pokemon?


  1. What is a 'frag'?

A hand grenade

  1. What is the name of Mario's dinosaur sidekick?


  1. Minecraft modeled after what paintings?

Counterstrike maps

  1. In Minecraft, what is a group of Endermen called?

A haunting of Endermen

  1. Who is the namesake of the Nintendo character Mario?

Nintendo landlord Mario Segale

  1. Name the first video game played in outer space?


  1. What is the average of gamers in the United States?


  1. What problem plagues up to 40% of virtual reality users?

Motion sickness

  1. What country tried to put a ban on midnight gaming?

South Korea

  1. Name the favorite game of Steve Wozniak(co-founder of Apple)?


  1. Sonic first appears in what game?

Red Mobile

  1. LA Noire modeled after what time period?

The 1940s

  1. What is the name of the Siren character in "Borderlands?"


  1. What is the name of the video game designed to treat depression?


  1. How many people sing in the opening song to Skyrim?


  1. The Obama campaign paid for in-game advertising in what game?

Burnout Paradise

  1. John Leguizamo and Bob Hoskins portrayed which video game brothers?

Mario and Luigi

  1. Who was the inventor of the popular gaming platform Atari?

Noel Bushnell and Ted Dabney

  1. What was the first horror video game franchise?

Survival Horror or Resident Evil