270+ Funny Trivia Quiz Questions with Answers

270+ Funny Trivia Quiz Questions with Answers

Are you hosting a pub, party, social or school group? And want to laugh while you play? Well, here we share some funny questions and answers. These questions are suitable for all age groups and range from easy to profoundly thought-provoking, covering a wide range of topics so everyone can join in the fun.

These funny questions are neither personal nor political, so they don't make anyone uncomfortable. You will end with laughs and giggles from your family and friends. Plus, you will learn a thing or two.

  1. How many times does the average human poop in a day?


  1. What is the smallest bone in the human body?

The stapes

  1. How many teeth does a dog have?

28 teeth

  1. What are people who love eating ice called?


  1. Is Walt Disney was afraid of what?

He was scared of Mice.

  1. The first ice hockey pucks made out of what?

Cow dung

  1. In what state was fried chicken invented?


  1. What is the average size of a gorilla's butt?

19 inches wide

  1. How much does elephant dung weigh?

About 3,837 kilograms

  1. What odd job did the father of William Shakespeare often perform?

Drinking beer

  1. When was word vomit as a phrase created?

In the movie Mean Girls

  1. Police officers get a half-hour class in training on how to do what?

Sit down

  1. What country has a unicorn as part of its national emblem?


  1. What European country has 158 verses to its anthem?


  1. Where were fortune cookies invented?

San Francisco

  1. What is said to be the worst video game of all time?

Big Rigs

  1. Who is the weirdest thing to win the Nobel prize?

Liquid cats

  1. About how many languages are written from right to left?

12 languages

  1. How many miles is Ninety Mile Beach in New Zealand?

55 miles long

  1. How many sheets of toilet paper were each British soldier given in World War II?


  1. Iceland diverted their roads to avoid disturbing communities of what?


  1. The national dish of Japan is what?


  1. When a question mark immediately follows an exclamation mark, that is called what?

An interrobang

  1. The Lone Star State is the official nickname of what state?


  1. The Night Watch was the nickname of which famous painter's work?


  1. The computer mouse speed measured in what?


  1. Which animal's urine glows in the dark?

A cat's urine

  1. What country has more than half of its people believing in elves, dwarves, and ghosts?


  1. How many times per day does the average person urinate?

About 8-times per day

  1. How many pounds of skin does the average person lose in a year?

628 pounds of skin

  1. Who was the first president under 5 feet 5 inches?

James Madison

  1. What is the name of the Academy Award trophy?

Academy Award of Merit

  1. Which two countries have never missed the Olympics?

Britain and Greece

  1. Which language has the most words?

English and Russian

  1. What did the former Soviet Union theatres allow to play?

The Grapes of Wrath

  1. What country banned hula hoops for imitating a stimulating passion?


  1. How many years old is the oldest tortoise?

189 years old

  1. What is the meaning of a Bumfuzzle?

Being confused

  1. Is Gardyloo an English word? Yes or no?


  1. What does the term Piano mean?

To be played softly

  1. Who holds the record for most hot dogs eaten?

Joey Chestnut at 73 hot dogs eaten.

  1. Who holds the record for most hamburgers eaten?

Joey Chestnut at 103 burgers.

  1. What was the size of the largest human on Earth?

8ft 11inches

  1. Fear of long words is known as a what?


  1. What fictional character is believed to be real by more than 25% of Americans?

Sherlock Holmes

  1. What is on the top floor of the U.S. Supreme Court Building?

A basketball court

  1. What has a lower acceptance rate than Harvard?

The Walmart

  1. In what state is it legal to hunt unicorns?


  1. How much money did someone once pay to buy invisible artwork?


  1. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


  1. Do cows moo with regional accents? Yes or no?


  1. What town had a 3-year-old mayor?

Dorset, Minnesota

  1. What is the actual name of the Cookie Monster?


  1. What word did China once censor?


  1. What are you more than twice as likely to be k#lled from than sharks and found in an office hallway?

Vending machines

  1. What is the name of toothpaste that goes on a toothbrush?


  1. What American town has a population of only one person?

Monowi, Nebraska

  1. In Washington, the bridge was built for what animals?


  1. What is the oddest name of a town located in Norway?


  1. What plays William Tell Overture when you drive on it?

A highway in Lancaster, California

  1. What odd prevention found on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control website?

Zombie Apocalypse

  1. How many minutes of silence exists in the Twilight movies?

Exactly 26 minutes of silence

  1. How do lobsters communicate with each other?

With their bladders

  1. What is the oddest name of a man in New Zealand who changed it after losing a bet?

Full Metal Havok More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All The Superheroes Combined With Frostnova.

  1. What food could turn your skin color orange throughout your body?


  1. What shoes were created for men but worn often by women?

High heels

  1. What animals are said to dislike the music by Willie Nelson?


  1. What country has a currency called the country won?

South Korea

  1. What is the correct term to describe a fact?


  1. What is born more often now than ever before?


  1. How fast was the first person ever convicted of speeding?


  1. What is the new car smell?

The scent of more than one dozen chemicals.

  1. How much food is wasted throughout the world each year?

1 billion metric tons.

  1. What grows faster during human pregnancy?

Hair and nails

  1. What bones do not harden until you are a grown adult?

The bones in your feet.

  1. What reptiles can breathe through their skin?

Some sea snakes.

  1. Do the heads on Easter Island have bodies beneath them? Yes or no?


  1. What is the purpose of goosebumps on humans?

To ward off predators.

  1. What are the only animals on Earth to blush?


  1. What is the word used to describe getting lost inside a mall?

Gruen transfer

  1. How long can the wood frog hold its urine?


  1. Where is the hottest spot on the planet?


  1. Why is it that food on airplanes tastes bad?

You lose 30% of your taste during the flight.

  1. What animal likes spicy food?

The tree shrew.

  1. What is the only animal that can not puke?

A rabbit

  1. What doorknobs are self-disinfecting?

Copper doorknobs

  1. What doctor type invented cotton candy?

A dentist

  1. What bird can tell the difference between a Monet and Picasso painting?

A pigeon

  1. What are the dot over the lowercase j and I called?

A title

  1. What candy boosts concentration?

Chewing gum

  1. When was the first computer invented?


  1. Space smell like what?

Seared steak

  1. What was the longest wedding veil ever created?

63.5 football fields long.

  1. What is the national animal of Scotland?

A unicorn

  1. How many questions do children ask per day on average?

300 questions per day.

  1. Where is the healthiest place on Earth?


  1. Where do some humans have an extra bone in their bodies?

Their knee

  1. What odd hygiene habit sparks creativity for humans?


  1. What sea creatures are used in wars?


  1. What friendly pets actually understand some English?


  1. What animals have fingerprints other than humans?


  1. Where is it illegal to eat fried chicken with a fork?

In Blyth, California

  1. What was the first patented service uniform in the U.S.?

The Playboy Bunny work uniform.

  1. How long does the legend of Loch Ness go back?

1,500 years

  1. What common spice can be fatally poisonous?


  1. What birds do Chinese police use for assistance?


  1. What did the Australian government ban for a single day?

The word mate.

  1. Tick bites make you allergic to what?

Red meat

  1. What can cause fish to rain?


  1. Apple pie originally from where?


  1. In Florida, what animal is protected constitutionally?


  1. What fluid comes out of your body that wrongfully gets blamed for body odor?


  1. How long can some sharks live?

Five centuries

  1. What can you do that is faster than a cheetah?


  1. The fire hydrant patent lost in what?

A fire

  1. How much money does the cast of Friends still earn per year?

About $20 per year.

  1. How old is Pluto, the planet?

It is not even one year old.

  1. What animal k#lls more Americans every year than sharks?


  1. What bones do newborns lack?


  1. In Germany, what animals do they help at crossroads?


  1. What country has one dozen time zones?


  1. What is the only other species that will adopt their young?


  1. Who is the youngest person to appear on a Billboard chart?

Blue Ivy Carter

  1. How fast can your liver regrow itself?

In three weeks

  1. Why do dogs like squeaky toys?

It mimics a dying animal.

  1. What did the founder of Check E. Cheese also invent?


  1. What is it illegal to do in front of a deceased person in Texas?


  1. The planet Uranus was first named what?


  1. What vegetable can actually turn a human orange?

A carrot

  1. What famous country singer once lost in her own look-alike contest?

Dolly Parton

  1. Ancient Romans Boiled Vinegar And What To Make An Energy Drink?

Goat poop

  1. In Tennessee, it is illegal to drive if you are what?


  1. Johnny Depp is famously afraid of what?


  1. In California, you can not legally buy a mousetrap without having what?

A hunting license

  1. The space between your nostrils is called a what?

A columella

  1. What is Podobromhidrosis?

The bad-smelling odor from sweat

  1. It is legal to shoot bears in Alaska but illegal to do what?

Wake one up

  1. J. Edgar Hoover does not want people walking on what?

His shadow

  1. When people are frightened, their ears produce more of what?


  1. What does the word Matrix mean in the Bible?


  1. In Denmark, what is a Svangerskabsforebyggendemiddel?

A condom

  1. If one is wearing a swimsuit in Florida in public, what is illegal for one to do?


  1. Who said: I am the president of the United States, and I am not going to eat any more broccoli?

George Bush

  1. In Minnesota, it is illegal to be what in bed?


  1. What can not a cheetah do that a tiger and a puma can do?

Retract its claws

  1. Cockroaches do what every fifteen minutes?


  1. In what month does Russia celebrate the October Revolution?


  1. Who lives in a trash can on Sesame Street?


  1. What is the longest English word with only one vowel?


  1. What is illegal to own a pet in Queensland, Australia, unless one is a magician?

A rabbit

  1. What is the main ingredient of Bombay Duck?


  1. What is the common name for enuresis?


  1. Where was the world's first speeding ticket issued?


  1. What is the only number spelled out in English with the same number of letters as its value?


  1. What was the first patented service uniform in the United States?

Playboy Bunny

  1. What two cities represent letters in the phonetic alphabet?

Lima and Quebec

  1. What were clocks missing before 1577?

Minute hands

  1. What is the number one seller at Walmart?


  1. What is the highest-grossing holiday movie of all time?

Home Alone

  1. What is a haboob?

A type of sandstorm

  1. Who is the oldest man to win People Magazine's sexiest man alive?

Sean Connery

  1. What U.S. state has the longest constitution in the world?


  1. Which dinosaur had 15 horns?


  1. What is the world record for the number of hot dogs eaten in one sitting?


  1. Name the vehicle that Scooby-Doo and his friends travel?

The Mystery Machine

  1. What is the best-known artificial international language?


  1. What is someone who shoes horses?

A farrier

  1. How many noses does a slug have?


  1. From which language did the word Ketchup come?


  1. What kind of animal is a bustard?

A bird

  1. Who said Champagne should be dry, cold, and free?

Winston Churchill

  1. Biscuit translated to mean what?

Twice cooked

  1. In what country would one compete in a wife carry race?


  1. What sport has been played on the moon?


  1. What is the actual name of Bob Dylan?

Robert Zimmerman

  1. What color is the black box in an airplane?


  1. Who composed the music for Sonic the Hedgehog 3?

Michael Jackson

  1. What is a baby goat called?

A kid

  1. What country won the Eurovision Song Contest 2017?


  1. What is it called when a bottle of Champagne is open with a sword?


  1. How do you tell the age of a horse?

Its teeth

  1. What is strange about the reproductive system of male snakes?

They have 2-penises

  1. What is the fertilized egg of a duck called?


  1. The ice cream cone was invented for what?

To hold flowers

  1. What was the first fruit eaten on the moon?


  1. Where you can find the Andamooka?

South Australia

  1. What kind of an animal is known as a horned toad?

A lizard

  1. Who is known as Gambrinus?

Someone who is full of beer

  1. What kind of animal is a firefly?


  1. A crossbreed between a donkey and the zebra is known as what?


  1. The police officers of the Washington officers to get a half-hour class about what?

Sitting down

  1. On average, what is the thing that Americans do 22 times a day?

Open the fridge

  1. What is illegal to eat with a cherry pie in Kansas?

Ice cream

  1. What ailment kills the most fruit flies?


  1. On Sunday, what is illegal to sell in Columbus, Ohio?


  1. A kangaroo can not hop if what?

If something lifts its tail off the ground

  1. The Empire State Building was made of how many bricks?

10 million

  1. According to Russian law, a homeless person must be where after 10 pm?

At home

  1. How many years old is the oldest piece of chewing gum?

9,000 years

  1. What animal cannot stick out its tongue?


  1. What do you call a group of unicorns?

A blessing

  1. Where were the fortune cookies invented?

San Francisco

  1. What is a ban in public places in Florida after 6 pm on a Thursday?


  1. In Swedish, what are the entrance and driveway, respectively?

Infart and Uppfart.

  1. What flavor is Cointreau?


  1. In football, who has nicknamed The Divine Ponytail?

Roberto Baggio

  1. What is the name of the jet plane of Hugh Hefner?

Big Bunny

  1. In June in Wyoming, it is illegal to take a picture of what?

A rabbit

  1. What Benedictine monk invented Champagne?

Dom Pierre Pérignon

  1. Who claimed he could drive away from the devil with a fart?

Martin Luther

  1. In St. Louis, Missouri, it is illegal for a firefighter to rescue who?

Undressed women (even if they are wearing a nightgown)

  1. Who sang about being an Eggman and a Walrus?

The Beatles

  1. Which Tasmanian marsupial is known for its temper?

Tasmanian Devil

  1. Where on the human body is the zygomatic bone found?

Facial cheek

  1. It was illegal for women to wear what in 19th century Florence?


  1. What was Marilyn Monroe's natural hair color?


  1. In Georgia, it is illegal to eat what with a fork?

Fried chicken

  1. In Minnesota, it is illegal to tease what type of animal?


  1. How many teeth does an aardvark have?


  1. It is illegal to do what in the French vineyards?

Land a flying saucer

  1. Coprastastaphobia is the fear of what?


  1. Name two countries that don't allow tattoos?

Iran and Japan

  1. What is fitted by Argentinian scientists that help increase milk yield?

False teeth

  1. What is the main ingredient in Bombay Duck?


  1. How many legs do the Legs of Man have?


  1. How many tails does a Manx cat have?


  1. Which instrument has forty-seven strings and seven pedals?


  1. Whose face was said to have launched 1,000 ships?

Helen of Troy

  1. In the traditional rhyme, how many mice were blind?


  1. How many bones does an adult human have?

Two hundred and six

  1. How many pedals do most modern pianos have?


  1. Water boils at 212 degrees on which temperature scale?


  1. What is the Italian word for pie?


  1. What is the national flower of Wales?


  1. Which Australian marsupial enjoys eating eucalyptus leaves?


  1. Which reptile should you never smile at, according to the song?


  1. Alfred, an ancient King of Wessex, is famous for burning what?


  1. In nautical terms, what is the opposite of port?


  1. How many bones are there on a Skull & Crossbones flag?


  1. Name the famous red-haired dancing partner of Fred Astaire?

Ginger Rogers

  1. What is the world's tallest tree?

The coast redwood, one of three sequoia spe

  1. Which two metals is pewter made from what?

Tin and lead

  1. What was Louis Armstrong's chosen form of music?


  1. Name the port of Rome?


  1. Paul Newman ate fifty eggs in which film?

Cool Hand Luke

  1. Don Alfonso is the lead role in which opera?

Cosi Fan Tutte by Mozart

  1. The River Lagan flow through which city?


  1. What takes place in Hong Kong's Happy Valley?

Horse racing

  1. The sport of pelota comes from which country?


  1. Which ocean surrounds the Maldives?

The Indian Ocean

  1. Name the most northern town in Europe?

Hammerfest, Norway

  1. Who was the last prisoner held in the Tower of London?

Rudolf Hesse

  1. Which Tasmanian marsupial is known for its fiery temper?

Tasmanian Devil

  1. Who was the lover of the Roman known as Marc Anthony?


  1. Which has summer dessert is eaten during Wimbledon's tennis matches?

Strawberries and cream

  1. What happened to the racehorse named Shergar in 1983?


  1. In J.M. Barrie's novel, where did the Lost Boys live?

Never Never Land

  1. Which word can place before bottle, bell, and bird?


  1. Which Russian town suffered an infamous nuclear disaster in 1986?


  1. Which planet shares its name with a dog?


  1. In nautical terms, what is the opposite of windward?


  1. What is an irrational fear of trees called?


  1. Which is the most northerly of the Channel Isles?


  1. Where on the human body is the zygomatic bone found?

Facial cheek

  1. Which Welsh poet insisted that we do not go gently into the night?

Dylan Thomas

  1. In women's gymnastics, what is 6-ft. 6 inches long?


  1. Which famous novel featured Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy March?

Little Women

  1. Who wrote the epic poem Paradise Lost?

John Milton

  1. Which London square is famous or infamous for its pigeon population?


  1. Which frequently used household item has a tree but no leaves?
